Jessica Tam
Jessica Tam was born in Sacramento, California and has exhibited work in New York at Schroeder Romero, The Painting Center, and Slag Gallery as well as in Chicago at LG Space. She has been a Vermont Studio Center Clowes Fund Fellow, NEA Fellowship Recipient at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and was the Al Held Affiliated Fellow at the American Academy in Rome. Most recently, she has shown at The Box at Knox College, the Oxbow Gallery in Northampton, and the Joanne Toor Cummings Gallery at Connecticut College. She received a BA from Dartmouth College, a BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and an MFA from the Yale School of Art.
“My paintings typically deal with scenes from sensational popular culture such as professional wrestling, and I emphasize richly varied ways to reflect on even the most marketed and repetitive entertainments by presenting them through series of mutating images. I started creating large-scale site-specific paintings to envelop the viewer after considering the theatricality and cinematic nature of my serial work, and studying how Italian frescoes work with the architecture of their specific residences. The viewer is surrounded by the large-scale site-specific paintings; at times is inside the wrestling ring and other times pushed out into a whole another fray”