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Can you be successful if you have too many ideas?

Contributed by Mia Scharphie, Founder of Build Yourself career advancement training for ambitious creative women and Creative Agency. Are you one of those business owners with 17 new ideas a day? I am, and a few years ago, when I was first starting my business, here’s what I had on my plate: a freelance design research consultancy, a research collaborative, a startup, an empowerment boot camp…

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The Estate Planning Workbook for Visual Artists

Estate planning can be a difficult subject for anyone. No one likes to think about how or when life might end. From the technicalities of financial planning to the emotional issues of choosing beneficiaries and considering end-of-life care, the entire process is a daunting task. However, estate planning is an essential process both for the future and for your current artistic practice. Consider for a…

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Online music: Where does the money go?

Even as curating data has become more ubiquitous in all industries, the ability for artists to track the impact of their music online remains difficult. The distribution of revenue from streaming services in the music industry remains ambiguous and artists tend to focus their energy on creating, performing, and marketing.

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Understanding music industry payment flows

As it is now, the music industry operates much the same with payouts as it did before the advent of streaming services. Companies such as Spotify pay the same percentage of revenue to the copyright owner as an iTunes download – 73%. Rethink Music, an initiative of Berklee’s Institute for Creative Entrepreneurship, elucidated the current payment structure of the music business.

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